Friday, May 9, 2014

A HAPPY blog for Moms, Bear, and updates.

I have been writing trying to write a post for 2 weeks now.  This is the 3rd one I have started, and I WILL complete it!  There are so many things to write about, so hopefully I don't ramble on and on.

First things first.

HAPPY MOTHERS DAY!  I realize that it is in 2 days, but I just wanted to give a shout out to all the mothers, grandmothers, GODmothers, aunts, dad-mothers, and so on.  I give props to all of you out there.  I have learned so much these past 17 months ( 9 preggo months and 8 months with a child).  Being a mom means so much more than just birthing a child.  I have learned how to love WHOLE heartedly, given more to him than I have ever given any one, and cried for him more than I have ever cried for anything.  I have learned what it is to truly fight for someone, to really pray and believe in the power of prayer.  My son has changed my life in so many ways.  And not only do I get to sit back and celebrate my first official Mothers day for me, I celebrate it for my mom, a first time GRANDMA, some one who has given every possible free minute to be here for us.  She has driven thousands of miles in the past 8 months to be by our side. She has cried, cheered, prayed and laughed with me EVERY day since September 9!  She is the person who has taught me HOW to be a mom.  I could never repay her for what she has done for us, and the countless amounts of powered doughnuts she has brought to me to make me happy and feel better!  My sister, B's GODmother, and #1 aunt.  She too has given every ounce of love to our little Bear.  She has taken on the role of #1 spoiler, and I don't see it coming to an end any time soon.  She has hidden her tears from me, so she could be strong for me, in the time when I was at my lowest, and she has cheered us on every second of the way.
I could go on and on about ALL the amazing women in my life, who have been there for us every second of the way, but I have other things to write about.  So, today, I leave all you loving women in our life with this quote and thank you from the bottom of my heart:
Being a Mother doesn't mean being related to someone by blood.  It means loving someone UNCONDITIONALLY  and with your whole heart!

Next thing on the agenda...  

HAPPY 8 months to this little pfighter we call Bear, aka Brody.  Wow, where has the time gone?  He has grown so much and is doing exceptionally well!  We are still a little behind on some goals, but I am not as stressed about it as I was.  I know he has been through so much these past couple of months, and while he is still making huge progress, I know he still needs time to recover and get back on track.  He has started with a couple of new things, like clapping, saying NO (uugghh has this really started?) and rolling over on both sides.  He has 4 teeth now and is a slobberin sammy!  We are still trying SOOOO hard to get him to eat by mouth, but for now he still has this milk factory running 5 times a day! (BUT Im totally ok with the extra burnt calories from it)  We got him a big boy high chair and some little food toys, so hopefully he gets the hang of it soon.  He is 18lbs now!  Big Boy!  And super long (not sure of the inches).  He is the happiest little piece of sunshine despite all he has been through. 

And last but not least, his 2 week post op from skull surgery. 

The past 2 weeks have been such a roller coaster of emotions! And lot of lost sleep for all of us!  Brody has truly shown what a pfighter he is!  He has bounced back from surgery like a little champ and is doing so well.   Its been a long 2 weeks of medicine weening, fighting sleep, breaking out of arm restraints, trying to tell him he cant grab his head and no more rolling over! Its been a hell of a pfight, but well worth it.  He has these two little metal arms coming out the side of his head that Gabe and I have to turn 2x a day with a little special screw driver.  It doesn't seem to bother him to much, and for the most part, he only pfights it when we go in for his weekly check ups.  I think he is starting to associate that a "white coat" = lots of pain.  Gabe and I will have to turn the screws 1mm a day for 30 days which will be a total of 30mm. After the 30 days, we will see how much his skull has shaped and wait for 2 months for the bone to totally heal.  After those 2 months, which will be the end of July, the doctors will go back in and remove the distraction device.  At that point, they will probably do yet ANOTHER surgery, on the top of his skull, and we will be back to square 1.  OYE VEY.  Another surgery, another hospital stay, another ride on the emotional roller coaster.  But for now, we have our weekly check ups with the craniofacial team, and our daily prayers that he heals like a champ.  So far everything is looking good and we couldn't be happier with his progress. We have all noticed that his skull is starting to have a round shape, his eyes are not as bulgy, and the top of his head has gone down.  That means his brain has room to grow and is now able to grow like it should. It's a day at a time, but we are still learning to pfight as we go!  For now, he just keeps us laughing and on our toes.  

I learned a new trick, so here is our story in pictures.  

This is the back of his skull right after surgery.  All those holes, are missing bone!  Because there was so much pressure building up in his head from his brain growing, the bone was eroding away.  Now that his brain will have room to grow, all that bone will regrow on its own.  Its truly amazing how the body works!  

My little Bear the morning of his surgery. We had to put his bear outfit on, its like his super man costume.  SUPER BEAR!! Poor little buddy had no idea what was about to happen

Daddy and Bear.  The purple gown is his pre-op heating gown.  They attach a little blower to it and it heats up and keeps him warm.  Oh technology these days!  Ironic that its a bear gown?? I think NOT!! 

I hope NO parent ever has to see their child like this.  

He had his first hair cut in a way I never imagined it would be.  

OH happy baby to be at home.  You can see his new little "metal arms" on the sides of his head.  

So happy Mothers day, happy 8 months, happy almost summer time... and just happy happy happy EVERYTHING!! If he can be happy... you have NO reason NOT to be!!! 

Much love,